Razer Blade 15 Base Touchpad Stiff and not clicking | Razer Insider (2025)

So I've had the Razer Blade 15 Base Model for just over a year, and the touchpad has been super inconsistent. Right now, I cannot click on the touchpad unless I use the bottom-left corner and press extremely hard. Is there a solution? What the heck is wrong with this laptop? I cannot click anywhere on the rest of the touchpad; it is as hard as a rock.

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You might want to check to make sure your battery is not swollen and pressing the trackpad upward. just to be safe.

What do you mean by pressing your trackpad upward? Thanks for the reply by the way.

The bottom of the trackpad is clicking, the middle to top is not budging. I feel like that is a very very bad sign.

If the battery is swollen it could be pushing the trackpad from the underside causing it to become super hard to press down or activate. I had that happen on a MacBook before, it was super scary and I caught it before the battery exploded on me.

Not saying that's your issue but it wouldn't hurt to rule it out just in case.

If the battery is swollen it could be pushing the trackpad from the underside causing it to become super hard to press down or activate. I had that happen on a MacBook before, it was super scary and I caught it before the battery exploded on me.

Not saying that's your issue but it wouldn't hurt to rule it out just in case.

Thank you for letting me know. I will contact Razer's support service. I hear they are slow. Let me know if you have anything else. Thank you for the suggestions!

So I've had the Razer Blade 15 Base Model for just over a year, and the touchpad has been super inconsistent. Right now, I cannot click on the touchpad unless I use the bottom-left corner and press extremely hard. Is there a solution? What the heck is wrong with this laptop? I cannot click anywhere on the rest of the touchpad; it is as hard as a rock.

I have some bad news... the problem will only get worse, I had exactly the same issue, mine started out with my track pad making an annoying little click, one year later it was near on impossible to right click and the reason was this... your laptop battery is swelling up mate! I should of taken a picture of mine because it was scary what happened and even more so what could of happened. I believe its the batteries, they swell and push up on the trackpad, then displace the magnets that hold the screen closed, the body then swells and the seams open up a good 5mm, my laptop (a razerblade 15 gtx1070) gained 10mm in thickness and bent. I hope you purchased it

from a third party with a two year warranty, after a while Currys exchanged mine and not for another Razer as if you know what to look for you will see that this is no where near an isolated case, this is why Razer only give a 12 month warranty, the problem doesn't start till about a year in and they know this

I have some bad news... the problem will only get worse, I had exactly the same issue, mine started out with my track pad making an annoying little click, one year later it was near on impossible to right click and the reason was this... your laptop battery is swelling up mate! I should of taken a picture of mine because it was scary what happened and even more so what could of happened. I believe its the batteries, they swell and push up on the trackpad, then displace the magnets that hold the screen closed, the body then swells and the seams open up a good 5mm, my laptop (a razerblade 15 gtx1070) gained 10mm in thickness and bent. I hope you purchased it

from a third party with a two year warranty, after a while Currys exchanged mine and not for another Razer as if you know what to look for you will see that this is no where near an isolated case, this is why Razer only give a 12 month warranty, the problem doesn't start till about a year in and they know this

My warranty ended back in June of this year. I noticed this problem on my Razer Blade 15 (2018 base model, gtx1060MaxQ) some weeks ago but haven't gotten around to addressing the issue and was about to open my laptop up myself before looking into this more. Is the only fix to get a new battery from somewhere? Should I replace it myself or find a service that can replace it for me?

My warranty ended back in June of this year. I noticed this problem on my Razer Blade 15 (2018 base model, gtx1060MaxQ) some weeks ago but haven't gotten around to addressing the issue and was about to open my laptop up myself before looking into this more. Is the only fix to get a new battery from somewhere? Should I replace it myself or find a service that can replace it for me?

Update: Apparently the warranty I got wasn't for 1 year, and actually lasts until 2022, but my account says that my laptop isn't under warranty so I submitted a case to Razer with the respective documents/receipts. Hopefully everything works out because finals are coming up and I only have the one laptop and I don't think I can take my finals on my phone.

your in luck then... send it off for them to fix though if you can afford it and don't want

to potentially go weeks without your laptop in lockdown over christmas, you could just buy and fit a new battery

yourself, its very easy and a new battery would be about £80.

I guess it all depends on what other damage has been done, mine looked a real mess and just putting a new battery in wouldn't of fixed all the cosmetic damage.

Okay maybe i have left my laptop on for a few hours, that causes the problem but who wants to have to let their

laptop cool down every few hours to stop exploding... it is an issue that put me off having another but not buying another Razerblade just another one of this of model/generation. Razer you need a new design yours is old and flawed now, my new M15 R3 looks the b&llocks and doesn't even get that hot for an alienware because they have improved the design... i didn't care about the thinnest and lightest nonsense i will expect an extra mm for amazing performance...

Good luck with what ever you decide

Does anyone know if this ssd drive works razer blade advanced this ssd drive too fit with the laptop WD Black SN750 2TB M.2 PCIe NVMe Performance 3D SSD/Solid State Drive

your in luck then... send it off for them to fix though if you can afford it and don't want

to potentially go weeks without your laptop in lockdown over christmas, you could just buy and fit a new battery

yourself, its very easy and a new battery would be about £80.

I guess it all depends on what other damage has been done, mine looked a real mess and just putting a new battery in wouldn't of fixed all the cosmetic damage.

Okay maybe i have left my laptop on for a few hours, that causes the problem but who wants to have to let their

laptop cool down every few hours to stop exploding... it is an issue that put me off having another but not buying another Razerblade just another one of this of model/generation. Razer you need a new design yours is old and flawed now, my new M15 R3 looks the b&llocks and doesn't even get that hot for an alienware because they have improved the design... i didn't care about the thinnest and lightest nonsense i will expect an extra mm for amazing performance...

Good luck with what ever you decide

Opening the laptop myself would void the warranty no? I have assignments during the Thanksgiving Break as well as online finals right after so I definitely can't afford to send my laptop off for very long unless I attempt to finish my college semester from my phone.

I had a same problem bloated battery was causing the touchpad not clicking.

Though support team is insisting that they have to do factory reset to fix ( replace the battery )

So I'm not sending it to the fix.

I have had my Razer Blade 15 (2019 Advanced Refresh) for only 1 year and 6 months and this has started to happen to me as well due to battery swelling. Razer should provide at least a 2 year warranty for laptops they charge in excess of 4000 AUD for but they don't and because of that negligent policy they will blindly continue to build products that just don't last even compared to cheaper competition. It is clear that this is happening so often to so many Blade owners (search on Reddit for stiff trackpad issues) because the battery is just getting cooked by the aluminum chassis conducting so much heat to it, which accelerates the swelling process.

What's with the irrelevant link? Razer Blade 15 Base Touchpad Stiff and not clicking | Razer Insider (1)

The battery is probably swolen.

Razer Blade 15 Base Touchpad Stiff and not clicking | Razer Insider (2025)
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