Tormented Souls Walkthrough (2025)

Here you can find a complete Tormented SoulsWalkthrough with all Puzzles, Key Items, Inventory Items, Collectibles, and Trophies. Everything needed for 100% completion is included.

This walkthroughshows the best route through the game, which also comes in handy when youdo a Speedrun.Tormented Souls is a very puzzle-heavy game. You can expect your first playthrough to take 6 hours with the help of this walkthrough, or 10-12 hours without. Some locations have different names depending on whether looking at the map or the name that appears when you enter the room. For consistency this guide will use the names displayed on the map where possible.

This walkthrough is kept as spoiler-free as possible and doesn’t discuss cutscene contents or major story plots.

Depending on which patch you play this game on, you may find that certain sections of this walkthrough do not match. That is because some items were moved around, and even some rooms changed entirely, in the early patches. This is especially noticeable between 1.00 and 1.01. This walkthrough is accurate as of patch 1.03 (for PS5). The PS4 version of the game has all updates in patch 1.00.

Overview of item coloring:

  • Diary Entries
  • Key Items
  • Regular Items


After the cutscenes, you’ll be in thePrivateBathroom. Check the locker to find William’s Diary 03. Interact with the cabinet to get a pocket watch, which shows the time 12:35. Now interact with the combination lock and input 1235. Grab the Wrench, adjust the head so it’s slightly open, then use the Wrench on the door (EscapeTormented Souls Walkthrough (1) ).

In the corridor, you have a chance for another trophy by walking into the darkness and dying (DeathTormented Souls Walkthrough (3) ), however, doing so you will start the game again. Walk around the corner to find aLighter. Equip this and you can now head down the corridor. Take the first left into Waiting Room, grab some nails on the bench, and walk through toExamination Room. In here you can getPlastic Heart Part (Left) from a container on the bench. You can also get a vial of morphine in the cabinet, a recording tape near the desk and save your game here if you like(Registry Tormented Souls Walkthrough (4) ). Return to theEast Wing Corridor and follow it around until you find a bulletin board where you can findE-F1 Map. You can also findMaria’s Diary A. Proceed down the stairs and go underneath to findHex Socketin a locker. Now head intoBasement East.

Here we’ll see our first enemy, Wheelchair. After the cutscene, run down the hall away from Wheelchair and enterX-Ray Room. In here you’ll receive your first two weapons, Nailer from the priest, and Crowbar on boxes in the back. Head down the hall to find Maria’s Diary Bon a table, then continue down the hall, grab the morphine and useCrowbar on the door to access theGenerator Room. Open the locker to get some nails, then head to the back and up the stairs to getBasement Map andValve. Head back downstairs to the Generator Panel, use theValve on the first pipe, then rotate the valves so the kg/cm reading shows11. Power up the generator (Electricity Tormented Souls Walkthrough (5) ), then head through the door for your first fight.

Kill Wheelchair or run past and head back upstairs. Return to the Waiting Room where you’ll encounter 2 Crawlers, a new enemy. Deal with them and head into the now unlockedDentist Room. There’ll be another Crawler,some morphine and nails in the cabinets, as well asWilliam’s Diary 01. Grab Plastic Heart Part (Right) from the container and combine both halves, then return to the hallway and enter theMaternity Ward.Interact with the flashing light on the wall to open a secret passage, then grab the nails and head down. Grab the recording tape next to you, then use yourLighter to light the candles on the mirror. Head through the mirror and climb back up the ladder.

You’ll find a Crawler as well as morphine in the cabinet and nails on the bed. Use thePlastic Heart on the baby doll, then head back through the mirror and up the ladder. Head over to the body on the bed, press the switch and pull the lever to receiveT Handle, then combine it with yourHex Socket. Return theWaiting Room andopen the gate toMain Hall.

Main Hall

Head through the opposite door intoChapel. Deal with 2 Crawlers and grabW-F1 Map on the bench andmorphineon a pew. Head throughKitchen intoStorewhere you’ll find a Wheelchair, nails andAcid. Unlock the door and head through to findIron Door Knocker on a bench. Unlock the gate and go up the small stairs intotheStudio for a recording tape, shotgun ammo and save point, and go into West Corridor/Service Area. Light the candle stands and you’ll findMaria’s Diary F to your left, as well as a Wheelchair and nails downstairs. Go into West Bathroom, light the candle stand, deal with the crawler and grabAnna’s Diary 02.Head around the corner to findShotgun Part A, and head back intoMain Hall.

Grab the nails and head upstairsintoMeeting Roomwhere you’ll find some morphine on some shelves, and gointo Stay Corridorwith yourLighter equipped as it is completely dark. Walk down past the suits of armor to turn on the lights, then deal with a new enemy, Waller. These can be safely killed with the crowbar. Grab the nails and head intoSewing Room. Here you’ll find nails, a recording tape,Stethoscope,Maria’s Diary Cand a save point. Head back through the corridor for morphine,E-F2 Map and a second Waller. UseIron Door Knocker on the door. For the puzzle, youcan use theStethoscopeon the statue in theMain Hallto hear the solution, but the answer is: Slow, Fast, Fast, Fast, Slow, Slow.

Head throughLibraryand grab therecording tape,morphine and nails. In the hallway you can get (Crucifixion Tormented Souls Walkthrough (8) ) by leading the Wheelchair into the sword trap, just step close to the swords to trigger them when the Wheelchair is next to you. Head intoDining Room to meet the priest again. He’ll give you aThread Bolt, and you can findMaria’s Diary D by the entrance. Head through the hallway intoMain Hall where you can find somenails, as well as open a shortcut gate.

Operating Hall

Head intoReceptionand grab somenails, then use yourThread Bolt on the fusebox to unlock the door. Grab thenailsandW-F2 Map and deal with the Wheelchair. Head intoRoom 2E for arecording tape,shotgun shells,first aid kit and save point. Go down the elevator, then push the trolley in to block the door. Go back toReceptionand grab yourThread Bolt, then head back down into the elevator to return upstairs, and use theThread Bolton the second fusebox (Mind Tormented Souls Walkthrough (9) ).

Head through the door and you’ll find a Crawler and a new enemy, Slider. Head down the left corridor into theObservation Room where you’ll findShotgun Part B, which you can combine forShotgun (GunsmithTormented Souls Walkthrough (11) ). Grab thenails and talk to the priest. Pay attention to the enemy walking counter-clockwise in the next room. Head around to theOperating Room where you can find someshotgun shells andnails. Turn the lights off, then walk around the operating table counter-clockwise until the Walker wakes up. Kill him to receiveScalpel, and re-equip yourLighter as it will be dark. Head throughAnesthesia Room to grab somenails, then go intoDisinfectant Room for somemorphine, shotgun shellsandWilliam’s Diary 05. Head into the last room for this area to find another Slider, somemorphine,William’s Diary 04 and unlock the door back to theMain Hall.


Return to the Generator Roomin theBasement and turn off the generator. Nowgo back throughMain Hall into theWest Corridor/Service Area and use theScalpel on the hatch near where you grabbed the shotgun part to access theBoiler Room. Downstairs you’ll find a candle, a Crawler,shotgun ammoand afirst aid kit, while upstairs you’ll find a candle stand, a SliderandWilliam’s Diary 02. Head through the door and you’ll find some candle stands and 2 Crawlers,amorphineand 2 sets ofnails in the basement area, as well as theMetal Dial andmorphine in the open bathroom/shower area, just past the jump scare. Head through the water and flick the switch to make the water safe to cross once then power is back on. Take a right to unlock a shortcut gate, then back to the left into theMorgue.

Head through to unlock the door on the other side, which will allow you to turn the power back on. Return to theMorgue, grab thenails and move the metal cabinet to access theExperiment Room. Light the candles, deal with the Wheelchair, grabWilliam’s Diary 06from a filing cabinet andmorphine from the cabinet. Head over to the skeleton and press any of the buttons to reveal another passage.

Head down there to findVHS Tape (Experiment Room). Return to theMorgueand head up the ladder in the back of the room. UseVHS Tape (Experiment Room) on the VHS machine and you’ll head into the past (Journey Tormented Souls Walkthrough (12) ). Head downstairs and you’ll find Bertram’s Diary 04.Now for the next puzzle. Head over to the skeleton and press the buttons in the following order: Head, Stomach, Hand, Throat, Heart, Throat.

Gothrough to the cells where you’ll meet Anna (Frustration Tormented Souls Walkthrough (14) ). Use theAcid on the padlock. Grab arecording tape from the other cell, then return to the present. Go back down the ladder to Anna’s cell to findAnna’s Diary 04 andIncomplete Key, which you can combine with theMetal Dial from earlier to create theCombination Key.

Combination Key Doors

With theCombination Key in hand, you can now open the combination key doors you’ve likely seen but been unable to open. Head toEast Wing Corridor to open the door to thePharmacy. The solution is: Star, Triangle, Hexagon. Inside you’ll findWilliam’s Diary 02in front of you (this isa duplicate collectible), as well as afirst aid kit,electric lance charge andBattery.

Next head to theChapelto unlock the door toArchives. The solution is: Square, Triangle, Star. In here you can findshotgun shells,arecording tape and another door.

Head through and open the cash register with0414. This will give youmorphineandCoin. Return to theChapel and use theCoin on the vending machine. You’ll have to play 5 rounds of Simon Says with the buttons, which rewards you with aBlood Bag.

Now head upstairs to theDining Room for the next combination key door where you’ll now find a Crawler. The solution is: Square, Hexagon, Pentagon. Equip yourLighter and head in to find someshotgun shells andVHS Tape (Chapel).

For the final combination key door, head through toWest Wing Corridorto open the door toIntensive Care Corridor. The solution is: Pentagon, Triangle, Circle (Master Key Tormented Souls Walkthrough (23) )

Collecting the Keys to theMausoleum

Head in and you’ll immediately encounter a Slider. Go intoRoom 2B to find arecording tape, as well as the priest. Head intoBathroom AB, light the candles and enter the mirror. Go back through toRoom 2D, where you’ll find someshotgun shells as well as a guillotine. Use yourScalpel on the guillotine to obtainParchment Scroll. Go intoBathroom CDfor somemorphine and aHammer, then intoRoom 2C. Light some candles and deal with the Slider, then open the chest for aMannequin Arm. Grab theshotgun shells and return through the mirror, unlocking a gate on your way.

Return toRoom 2C, dealing with a Slider on the way, and equip yourLighter before entering. Go through thebathroom toRoom 2D for the next puzzle. In the middle of the room is a judge’s block. Use yourParchment Scroll on the indent, and then rotate the monkeys to the following positions: Hands on Eyes, Hands on Ears, Hands on Mouth, Headless. Now use your hammer on the block to receive theStaple Gun.

Return through the mirror and go to the mannequin inRoom 2B. Use theMannequin Arm, then examine yourStaple Gunto change the power. Now use it to staple the arm on before returning through the mirror. Speak to the priest and he’ll give you anElectrical Lamp, which allows you to fight enemies in dark areas (SurgeryTormented Souls Walkthrough (28) ).

Go through the mirror yet again and head to the end of theIntensive Care Corridor to deal with the Waller. Head intoRoom 2A, deal with the Wheelchair, unlock the gate and head back through the mirror for the final time. You can now head through the gate you opened to grab theElectric Lance, as well as afirst aid kit andnails.

You’ll now find some new enemies spawned in previous areas. Head through Main Hall, dealing with 3 Crawlers on the way,downstairs into West Corridor/Service Area, where you’ll find a Slider. Go around the back to theLaundry, dealing with the Crawler and Waller. Go in andandgrabMaria’s Diary G on a washing machine as well as somenails on a chair. Turn off the washing machine in the corner and try to leave to spawn a Crawler. Deal with it and pick up theMold (Empty). Combine the mold with theBlood Bag. Go into theShower Room to find aFloppy Diskin a bath being held by a skeleton, as well as anelectric lance charge and first aid kitbehind all the bathtubs, and shotgun shellsby the exit.

Now return to theMeeting Roomand use VHS Tape (Chapel). Go into the past and enter theKitchen. Use theMold (Filled) on the fridge. Go downstairs into theCloset and use theBattery on the battery charger, then return to the present. Head intoChapeland deal with two Sliders. Grab yourBattery as well as somenails, then return to theKitchento retrieve theFrozen Blood Medallion. Now go intoStore, downstairs to the computer. Examine yourFloppy Disk and flick the write protect switch on the back of it. Use it with the computer and input the key wordMartha. Grab yourFloppy Disk and go back upstairs to theLibrary.

Go into the corner and use theBattery on the lift. Go upstairs and you’ll find 2 Sliders, arecording tape and theKey Dial. Now go back into theStray Corridor and use theFloppy Disk on the reader next toBedroom. Here you’ll find a Crawler, aVinyl,Maria’s Diary E andmorphine. Go through into the Penthouse. In this room you’ll be introduced to the Monster, a persistent enemy that will now chase you through many rooms. They cannot be killed, but can be knocked down for easier passage. You can also quite easily bait an attack and kite around them. Go intoChildren’s Bedroom to grabAnna’s Diary 03. Now go back through the other door into theOffice. Grab thenails on the wheelchair and theWE-40 on the stand. You’ll also findWilliam’s Diary 08 on the desk.

Next, return back to theMaternity Ward from near the beginning of the game and go down the ladder and through the mirror. Go upstairs to face a Walker, then use theWE-40 on the rusted gears above and below the door. Then use theHammer on the handle to open it up.

In here you’ll find a Slider. Head through toDelivery Room to find a Wheelchair and someshotgun shells, as well asanother mirror, go through and you’ll find a save point. Go intoEast Wing Hall and grabMaria’s Diary Hon a bench (Love Tormented Souls Walkthrough (32) ), then go downstairs to deal with 2 Crawlers. Interact with the clock and change the date/time to 25 Dec 8:15:25 to receive a Jade Eye.Before you leave you will find a vial ofmorphine.

Return to theOffice and use theJade Eye on the bust to reveal the next puzzle. Use theVinyl on the gramophone to hear the tune you need to replicate for the puzzle. Going clockwise, the solution is: 1, 2, 6, 6, 1, 2. This will unlock a secret passage, so head down.

Grab thenailsandAnna’s Diary 05, then head around past a Walker to findBertram’s Diary 01andID Card.


Return to theMain Hall and go downstairs to find a control panel with three slots, as well as a Crawler.Insert theID Card into the left slot,Frozen Blood Medallion in the middle andKey Dial in the right. However, before you can insert theKey Dial you will have to adjust its dials to match the slots. Doing this will unlock the gate (ObsessionTormented Souls Walkthrough (35) ).

Head through and go into theLittle Room to find arecordingtape,electrical lance chargeand a save point. Head downstairs to grab somenails, and turn right down the corridor to deal with a Slider. Now head through the door into theInfinite Room. This room is one big puzzle, with 4 doors, 4 plinths and 4 directions. There is a plaque in the corner that tells a story, and you need to go through the right door for it to progress, else it resets. With every correct step of the puzzle, a candle in the chandelier will light up. Below are the correct steps to escape:

  • “New Adventure” – Golden Door
  • “Fallen into the sea” – Empty Basin
  • “Ursa Minor” – North
  • “Furious Storm” – Wooden Door
  • “Floating Alone” – Dirt Basin
  • “Deserted Island” – Ember Basin
  • “Days have past” – West/O

After going through the final door, you’ll arrive inPassageand receive(Loop Tormented Souls Walkthrough (39) ). There’ll be 2 Walkers in your path, as well as a Waller. Head intoBunker 3Bwhere you’ll find anelectrical lance charge,Bertram’s Diary 06 andAntidote. Return to before theInfinite Room and go into theMausoleum. There’ll be a Walkerin the first room with chairs where you’ll findBertram’s Diary 02 on a wheelchair in the front row as well as an electrical lance charge, before the path splits to theHidden Meeting Chamber, where youcan find somemorphine. Continue further in to find another two Walkers. Go up to the statue and interact with its ring finger to reveal a path underneath the tomb. Before you go down, you can findsomeshotgun shellsand a gate shortcut. Head downstairs and you’ll be in theSewers.


In here you’ll find anelectrical lance charge,Bertram’s Diary 03 and a Walker. Head downstairs again and you’ll findAnna’s Diary 06 on a barreland another Walker. Continue heading around and you’ll findAnna’s Diary 07on a crate, as well as a valve you can turn to drain the water in front of the vault. Head down to the vault door to pick up theTV Dial. Go back to the forked path you walked past and head down to findsomeshotgun shells next to a barred fence. Continue on and you’ll enter Sewer Storage Room. In here you’ll findmorphine,recording tape,Anna’s Diary 08, a save point, a closed safe and a mirror. Light the candles and head into the mirror.

You’ll arrive in Caroline’s Bedroom. Use theTV Dial on the TV and you’ll be able to cycle through 12 channels, 5 of which will show an image. You need to cycle between the 5 images in a particular order, much like a combination lock. Do note that if you over-rotate the dial at all, it will reset the puzzle. Simply turn the TV off and on to try it again. The solution is:

  • Start onthe Yin Yang
  • Turn dial right/clockwise 8 times to the Spider
  • Turn dial left/counter-clockwise 5 times tothe 4-Leafed Clover
  • Turn dial right/clockwise 7 times tothe Tricycle
  • Turn dial left/counter-clockwise 4 times to the Die

If done correctly you will receive aSun Necklace. Return back through the mirror and the safe will now be open, containing aMoon Necklace. Combine the two to get theEclipse Necklace. Head halfway back through theSewersand you’ll find a door you can unlock. Head through and go up the ladder into theOffice. Head into theChildren’s Bedroom and use theEclipse Necklace on the wall indent to open a secret room. Go in there to findFishing Hook,Anna’s Diary 01, and you’ll also receive(Remembrance Tormented Souls Walkthrough (42) and Suffering Tormented Souls Walkthrough (43)).

Return to theOffice to see a button revealed on the desk, pressing it revealsVHS Tape (Dentist). Grab the tape, head toMeeting Room, use it and go to the past. Head to the end of East Wing Corridor and you’ll findWilliam’s Diary 07(Dedication Tormented Souls Walkthrough (44) ).GointoPrivateBathroom and useScalpel on your body toremove your own eye. Combine it withFishing Hook to receiveFishing Hook (w/Eye). Head back down into the Sewers, go down to the vault door, and use theFishing Hook (w/Eye) on one of the retina scanners. Use the other retina scanner yourself to open the vault (Sacrifice Tormented Souls Walkthrough (45) ). After the cutscene, you will findBertram’s Diary 08 just before the door. Head through for the final section of the game.


At the top of the stairs you’ll find somenails, and at the base of the stairs you’ll find a machine and a closed hatch. Interact with the machine and you’ll need to line up the two grips. Stopping the machine when the moving grip is at the top left nut will line it up. Now use thePadlock you’ve had in your inventory since the very beginning to lock them together, and turn it back on to open the door.

Head down and grabanelectrical lance chargenext to you, then head through the door toBunker 1A. There’ll be 2 Walkers and aPipe Cap. Continue into the next room to find morenails. Head through the door intoBunker 2A. Take a left and you’ll find a new enemy, the Hammer, blocking a door where you’ll find another save pointand the secondPipe Cap. Head down the other path andthrough the door to Bunker Stairs. You’ll findBertram’s Diary 05 on a crate next to you, and some morphine behind some spike traps. Head down the stairs and continue toBunker 3B.

There’ll be 2 more Hammers in here, as well as some shotgun shells and the final Pipe Cap in the open room in the corner. Go through the door and you’ll find somenails next to you, and if you take a left at the spike trap you’ll find Bertram’s Diary 07(RedemptionTormented Souls Walkthrough (47) ). Continue down the path and head left to find a Walker and a door to thePrison. In here you’ll findshotgun shellsby the entrance, anelectrical lance chargein the first cell on the left,a Hammer blocking your way, some morphinein the last celland aGas Canister up the stairs to the left. Now head back out and go the opposite path to findBunker 3A. You’ll find afirst aid kit in the cabinet (ReliefTormented Souls Walkthrough (48) ), 2 Walkers, and somenails at the end of the corridor. Head through the door toBunker Stairs and unlock the gate. Go upstairs back toBunker 1-2B for the final puzzle.

First of all, examine yourGas Canister and open the lid, then interact with the pump to place the canister down. You now need to direct the gasoline through the pipes by capping pipes and turning valves. Valves that are parallel to the pipe are on and valves that are perpendicular to the pipe are off. See below for the solution:

Now that you have the gasoline, it is advised make a save as the decision point for the different endings is coming up shortly. This will allow you to reload your save and get them out of the way, if you so desire. This is also your last chance to fully backtrack while being able to still finish the game, so if there’s anything you missed, now is the time to get it.

Head downstairs to the water pump, add the gasoline and pull the trigger to drain the water and open the new path (Water Tormented Souls Walkthrough (50) ).

Adoption Ending

Head down into thePreparation Room. After the cutscene, you’ll be greeted by 4 Hammers, which you will have to kill in order to progress. Use yourShotgun andElectric Lance, if you’ve been collecting all the ammo you should have enough to kill them, even if you’ve killed every other enemy. Don’t use yourNailer unless you have to, as it’s best saved for after this fight. After defeating them, theCross Key will drop down. You can also getmorphine,shotgun ammo andelectric lance charges from where the Hammers spawned. Use theCross Key on the stairs to lower them.

This is where you make the first of two decisions that change the endings. Interact with the Monster and use theAntidote on them to reveal a pair ofBolt Cutters. Grab them, then continue down the elevator, but take note that this is the point of no return.In the Graveyardyou’ll find arecording tape, the final save point, as well as a duplicate collectible ofBertram’s Note 02. Continue through the door and head down the stairs for the final encounter.

In order to defeat the boss, you will need to interact with 3 wheels around the area. These are protected by bulbs which cannot be attacked until you weaken the boss, 6 nails will do. Now attack one of the bulbs, either with a single lance charge, or by hitting twice with theCrowbar and dodging backwards. Once the bulb disappears, quickly interact with the wheel so the bulb doesn’t grab it again, and press the button when the wheels line up with the gap. Press the button successfully 3 times to clear that wheel. Repeat this process for the other two wheels after hurting the boss, and once you have cleared the final wheel, the boss will be dead. You can find somenails,shotgun shells and afirst aid kit in the room if needed. Head up the elevator.

Head back through the areas until you reach theMeeting Room, all other paths will be blocked off. This is where you make the second decision that changes the endings. For the Good Ending, use theVHS Tape (Experiment Room) to return to Anna. Use theBolt Cutters on her cell and talk to her. After the cutscene, use theCross Keyon the front door to leave and finish the game (Sisters Tormented Souls Walkthrough (51) andNostalgiaTormented Souls Walkthrough (52) ).


For the Forgetfulness Ending, you have two options. First, you will have to use the Antidoteon the Monster, same as in the Adoption Ending. However after defeating the boss, do not save Anna in the past andsimply go to theMain Hall and leave through the front door. Alternatively, you can simply use the Scalpel on the Monster which will force you into the Forgetfulness Ending.There is no trophy tied specifically to this ending however.


In order to get the Remorse Ending, simply do not administer theAntidote to the Monster. Defeat the last boss and escape like in theForgetfulness Ending (Remorse Tormented Souls Walkthrough (53) ) – this trophy was glitched in the earlier versions and was fixed in patch 1.03, however if you have an earlier version you will not be able to unlock this.

Thisconcludes the complete Tormented Souls Walkthrough.

More Guides:

  • Tormented Souls All Diary Locations (Collectibles)
  • Tormented Souls Puzzle Solutions

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Tormented Souls Walkthrough (2025)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 5904

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

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Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.